### [] 2024-06-24

## Added

- Administration: Added support for X-Forwarded-For header. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: New date and time format added (date full, time long) to the formatter. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Affiliates links: Added option for affiliates listed in dropdown on a checkout page to be sorted by defined rule, have default value and set the field mandatory (or not). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Checkout: Added sale start counter in the page header section.

- Checkout: For series raffle option to hide/show prizes of past and future draws. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Devices: Added option to unbind device (Stripe POS) from the devices page (list of devices). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Orders: Added customer data population on the order form. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Ticket pack and ticket pack group select option added to orders filter. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Winners: Added option for winners presentation as a simple static table.

## Changed

- Administration: Bot filter HTTP referer validator improved. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Series raffle to be handled within a single setup. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Important dates section format slightly changed.

- Orders: Split payment feature is removed until it's fully operational. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Prizes: Do not show prize slot for early draw or ticket pack group on the back-end if no prizes are defined. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Administration: IP database was failing to auto-update. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Customers: For non-shared instance, where customer module was enabled, Archive and Customers menu items were not present. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Orders: Button of matched items for Customer lookup tool wasn't showing properly. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Print/Export popup window was not working properly. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Saving preselected fields in custom data export tool wasn't working properly in certain cases. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Agent initials were always required despite system settings. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Payments: Refunds for Global Payments wasn't working despite it was turned on in module's settings. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Ticket Packages: Initial ticket number couldn't be set to 0 (so that first ticket would be #1). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Users: User creation/alteration form wasn't working properly. Applies to account type: Admin.

### [2.5.9] 2024-03-12

## Added

- Administration: Added option to use recaptcha on the checkout form and order lookup separatelly. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Added captcha and IP geo-location verification for web order and TOP-UPs.

- Modules' Settings: Option to enabled/disable a module by Admins. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Orders: Added extra prevention of creating duplicate order into order validation. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: PCI Pal integration added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Added option to search orders by payment info field (credit card type). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Back-end orders pre-validated before submission. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Paper Tickets: Option to uncancel paper ticket by Admins. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Payments: Stripe POS refund improved. Refund can be initiated through device popup window, by entering 4 digits Refund Code. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: Stripe POS refund and Refund 4-digit code created automatically when transaction was paid but not saved on Raffle Nexus side. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket Packages: Total Sale limit added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket Packages: Option to close or re-open ticket pack for sale. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket Packages: Option to set ticket pack group starting and closing date & time. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Winners: Public prize list sorting improved.

## Fixed

- Optimization: Solved problem with error reporting by sentry that may occure while e-mail sending Job execution. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Back-end prevention on switching payment provider to "none". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Sometimes print size and kind parameters were not submitted for Agent orders. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order Top-Up wasn't possible when initial order (in person) was taken without filling out the fields that are mandatory on the public checkout. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

### [] 2023-09-20

## Added

- Administration: Added logging of failed geo location on checkout that's blocked by IP recognized as being within acceptable location. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: GeoIP database updated automatically (checked every hour). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Added "Is Archived" flag to lottery object. Once set, noindex nofollow meta tag is present on the front-end. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Added simplified 404 error page for bots reducing the load generated by 404 requests by 99%. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Special e-mail announcements as admin feature, called from console. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Added lighbox for prize photos on parachute theme.

- Checkout: New type of countdown added.

- Checkout: Added recaptcha onto Web checkout and top-up form.

- Checkout: Apartment number field on the checkout to be hidden with option to show the field on link/button click. This should prevent from autofilling the apt # field with value dupilcated in address field.

- Checkout: Jackpot/payout value ajax pull and animation for the checkout with multiple 50/50s.

- Devices: Added search filter for devices (Stripe POS) and ability to browse device event logs also with search filter. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Option to execute refund for bambora transactions when order is cancelled or it's total is reduced. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Option to define user roles that are allowed to select ticket packs and groups that are marked as closed for sale. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: For Stripe POS devices, added option to block other terminal usage but only for HouseAgents. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent.

- Prizes: Added payout value under 50/50 final draw prize description on a draw confirmation print template. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Publication date added to prize pick up static report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Added e-mail address column to check-off report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Added "Orders without session assigned" section into Erroneous orders report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Ticket packages: Option to show or hide jackpot payout on the checkout. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Users: Search filter added into Users section. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Changed

- Administration: Admin e-mail CTA button can act as a code or short message presentation. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Legal age fos SK changed to 19 years in the Wizard and paper ticket template. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Removed "Winning ticket by a minor" section for Ontario raffles rules of play generation. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Changed rules of play generator function to have "All ticket holders are welcome to attend the draw." instead of "Public". Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Parachute theme banners image format changed to JPEG.

- Checkout: When Web order validation fails, a pop-up with a list of fields required correction shows up.

- Checkout: Parachute theme prize presentation improved.

- Checkout: Twitter changed to X on the front-end and it's logo updated.

- Checkout: Moved "verify" button up on the IP block page to be more visible on mobile devices.

- Checkout: Draw names made more bold on important dates sidebar section.

- Checkout: Improvement on parachute theme for prize listing.

- Dashboard: Removed Paper Ticket, Data entry menu item until the feature is fully implemented. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Dashboard: Application top nav bar icon order changed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Backend Web orders can only have payment type set to CreditCard. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Payment type and sale location selection pop-up improved. The list is build based on the system setup. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: HouseAgent can't select sold out ticket pack. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: No payment collected confirmation popup for POSTerminal when user role is not HouseAgent (and the Stripe POS is not connected and other POS devices are allowed). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Validation errors made more visible for tablet view of order creation page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: HouseAgents are not allowed to change payment type of order they already created. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Jackpot (and/or payout) to be always visible for HouseAgents on order creation page. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: 50/50 payout value font size displayed for agents, scaled down to fit the screen. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Payments: Removed "lottery" word from every meta field in Stripe. Also lottery owner is used instead of lottery name. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: For moneris payments, accept empty CVV in case account is not set to accept it. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: Customer details and Payment Intent object ID for Stripe POS device is saved with every device event that is logged. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: Stripe POS logging improved. Added customer data entered into the order creation form before it's submitted by Agent. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: Stripe POS payment cancellation improved. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: Stripe POS to be verified everytime device error, validation error or server error occurs. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: When Stripe POS device evevnt logging isn't submitted completly (missing timestamp), "now" is used in that case. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Order confirmation, official ticket and paper ticket print template updated with messaging specific to Ontario legislature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Messaging on prize winner mail notification corrected to contain shotened rules of play appropriate for the raffle's legislature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Ticket packages: Ticket packages page summary presentation adjusted. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Users: User management improved. Lottery role assigment made easier. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Fixed

- Administration: Field for heading top transalation (Above the slider on close sale) wasn't present on the wizard form. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Lottery wizard was changing prize's ticket pack assignment if the first ticket pack group was not prize raffle type. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Analytics: Analytics index page was breaking in certain cases (swapped order of ticket pack groups). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Checkout fields were missing proper label to input field binding.

- Checkout: For raffles with multiple 50/50 having different sale open/close times, jackpot value wasn't pulled correctly over ajax request.

- Checkout: If any of defined ticket pack group has unlimited number of available tickets, then do not show question and answer about available tickets in the FAQ.

- Checkout: Phone number front-end validation was failing sometimes.

- Checkout: Countdown wasn't showing the right early bird when different timezones were used for the instance and the raffle.

- Checkout: Tracking codes were not sent with output for the checkout page for multi-purpose type of the website.

- Checkout: Payout value wasn't showing properly when jackpot total was overwritten by ticket pack group parameters (eg. for guaranteed initial prize seed).

- Checkout: Sell out mode messaging was missing in parachute theme.

- E-mail templates: Some email clients were not rendering HTML entities properly when buyer's name or address was uppercased.

- E-mail templates: Sometimes prize winner notification email failed the validation of the invalid receipient protection. Adding order number as a html comment into email content solved the problem. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Optimization: Country list output JS code reduced by 21%. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Optimization: Added simplified 404 error page for bots reducing the load generated by 404 requests by 99%. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Optimization: Moved recaptcha loading script into section. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Optimization: When bots submitted dummy data to mail address format helper it was generating error. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Stripe POS payment can't be cancelled until the device responds with created payment intent id, so the device and agent form stay synced. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Sale location is set to none for all origins other than Agent. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Phone, Mail and Fax orders were submitted with sale location and store id set. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Payment method and sale location selection popup wasn't working as expected. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Stripe POS capturing payment was throwing false error messages about manual capture need. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: Sometimes Stripe POS device registration process was breaking. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Official ticket print template for Epson printer and Alberta province didn't work. Wrong character used in rules of play. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Reporting: Dates used in static report were not converted into the right timezone. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Users: User registration form submission raised error when no invitation was attached. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [] 2023-07-26

## Added

- Checkout: Added banner that appears in the slider/front page area when the raffle sale is closed.

- Checkout: Added other type of countdown and by default display it on the front page of parachute theme.

- Invitations: Added option to resend (redefine) invitation to previously invited but not yet accepted user. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: CSV export option added to most of the dynamic reports. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Added "Payments by type" summary report and "Payments by order item type" export option on the Reportig, Reports page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: List of orders with missing customer data added to Erroneous orders report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: "Prizes" report to include prize winners publication date for Calendar ticket pack group type. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Ticket packages: Added more control over jackpot & payout widget displayed on a front-end and embeddable widget. Applies to account type: Admin.

- User account: User management improved. Lottery role assigment made easier. Search filter added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Changed

- Administration: Parachute theme default graphics can be overwritten by graphics placed in raffle's custom folder. Plus, the image format changed to jpg. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle wizard updated to show Jackpot in the ticket pack group section by default. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle wizard ticket pack group quantity limit increased to 52. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: No need to check ticket pack sale summary object present in update inspection script. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Early draw prize listing on the checkout form updated to this order: not yet drawn early draw prizes, regular prizes, then drawn early draw prizes.

- Checkout: For Jackpot, where the payout is shown, order of displayed values changed to: Payout on top, then jackpot.

- Checkout: Recognized IP and full location on the IP blocked page to be more visible on mobile devices.

- Checkout: Geolocation failure reason details reported to the user on an IP blocked checkout page.

- Orders: Customer contact details on order list adjusted. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Phone order: Do not set default sale location or store id for Phone orders on order creation form. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Printing: Control number QR code made smaller on an official ticket print template. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Reporting: Session and sub-session summary print to include opening and closing date (if set). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- User account: Super admins to be excluded from user enumeration protection that's protecting the user invitation form. Applies to account type: Admin.

## Fixed

- Administration: Raffle Nexus Google Analytics noscript tag wasn't showing on all instances. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Back-end credit card length validator was sometimes crashig when unrecognized card was used.

- E-mail templates: 2023 email template contained top-up link even for raffles where order copy module was disabled. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: When Stripe POS device registration failed, the error message wasn't always presented to the user. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: For orders created by agents using CreditCard payment type, payment provider was sometimes switched to none. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: CreditCard payment method wasn't available as a payment method for in-person sale for checkout-only solution. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Paper ticket ID field was disabled when presented on a mobile view. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Phone order: After phone order was created and the page was reloaded (or just loaded in other tab), the notification of successfull operation wasn't showing. Applies to account type: PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

### [] 2023-03-22

## Added

- Orders: Stripe POS auto-reconnect feature added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Reporting: Added "TOP-UP" dynamic report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

## Changed

- Orders: On the tickets section of order creation page, ticket quantity field limit was changed from 2 to 4 digits. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Stripe POS device details window made more compact. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Adjustment to Rules of Play generated contents and every print template regarding situation when the minor wins the prize. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Printing: For BC gaming footer on all default print templates "Chances are..." was changed to "Actual odds depend on # of tickets sold.". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Checkout: When the checkout was not in a Live state and user with blocked IP was visiting order page, the response of blocked page was cached. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mail templates: Changed padding and size for heading image on 2023 email template. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: When Stripe POS is not attaching charge object to paymentIntent, order is proceeded and an error is raised, so that manual capture through Stripe dashboard is required. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Split payment with fraction of dollar pricing wasn't working properly when the total exceeded $999.99. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Paper Tickets: Paper ticket search filter was breaking when multiple tickets were entered in the query. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Affiliate.

- Printing: Epson print of official ticket failed when ticket pack group name contained a non-standard character. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Users: User alteration was assigning Customer role (the role with no privileges) to all the raffles on the instance, that the user didn't have roles assigned yet. Applies to account type: Admin.

### [2.5.8] 2023-02-27

## Added

- Administration: Added option to control policy of ticket reprint by the HouseAgent. The options are: Allowed, Blocked and TemporaryAvailable. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: Added option to allow/disallow order cancellation by HouseAgent. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Affiliates links: Affiliate links to be able to lead to any page of the raffle + QR code download option. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Analytics: Added currency code for Facebook data layer. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Google Analytics 4 (GA4) support added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Option to show Payout for ticket pack group of Jackpot type added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Option to define number of decimal digits displayed for Jackpot and the Payout for ticket pack group of Jackpot type. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Option to show Payout for ticket pack group of Jackpot type added. Plus, option to define number of decimal digits displayed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mail templates: New transactional e-mail theme added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Order Control Number feature added as a number and QR code added to the ticket, prize winner, order details, winners list on the prize details page and on a prize give out page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Affiliate link section added to the custom data export feature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: Added Vault support for Moneris payment provider with option to use automatically enabled it when in "Close to sell out" mode of the checkout. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Print log listed on the official ticket printed by Epson thermal printer. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Prizes: Prize winners notification prompt pop-up displays current send out filters (if active). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Administration: Don't include max payout for 50/50 if available ticket number is not given in the Rules of Play generated by raffle wizard. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Custom JavaScript file to be loaded on a maintenance, blocked checkout and pending draws page. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle wizard clone of list made searchable. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Return 404 error when trying to get sharing link code for non-existent raffle (error generated by bots).

- Checkout: Gaming footer corrected for raffles run in Ontario province.

- Checkout: Font size on quantity fields on Top-Up page increased to match regular checkout.

- Dashboard: List of available lottery for the logged in user improved (upper left corner of the dashboard). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer, Affiliate.

- E-mail templates: E-mail template preview improved. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Stripe POS payment intent object is updated with meta data from nexus and viewable through Stripe dashboard. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: POS Terminal confirmation number field was moved into visible (expanded) section for HouseAgent tablet view as well as the agent initials if the field is required. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Printing: License numbers list added in the footer of default official ticket print template for thermal print. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Word-wrap applied to default official ticket print template for Epson thermal printer. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Official ticket print template corrected (added early draws listing and gaming footer for Ontario corrected). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent.

## Fixed

- Administration: Raffle wizard wasn't adding license name (besides number) for the generated footer content of non-BC raffles. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Analytics: Top-up donut charts were showing wrong percentage values in analytics. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Timestamp for "Checkout opened at" wasn't set correctly for cached contents.

- Checkout: Dynamic jackpot value wasn't pulled correctly when there was more than 1 jackpot ticket pack group defined.

- Checkout: Checkout wasn't working properly when ticket price had fraction of dollar.

- Orders: Stripe POS status icon was showing, but wasn't working properly if "stripe" wasn't present on the list of payment providers of payments module. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Stripe POS wasn't showing proper messages for errors occurred during the device registration. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order's receipt listing of Stripe POS Terminal sometimes failed when not all the expected data was provided. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Payment provider was reset to "none" when the order was altered. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Ticket pack group starting and ending time (if defined) were not taken into account when presenting jackpots for HouseAgent, which resulted in displaying 2 jackpots when the raffle had 2 or more 50/50 ticket pack groups defined. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order alteration was impossible when email confirmation rule was in place for order creation page and the order initially had email address entered but was missing value for email confirmation field. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Prizes: Prize winner notifications were not working (since version 2.5.6). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.5.7] 2022-10-21

## Added

- Administration: Simplified password policy for defined account types (in modules' settings). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Added detailed Stripe terminal events logging. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Analytics: Added 2 charts onto the analytics page: sales by hour of the day and sales by day of week. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Browser's geo-location feature utilized to unlock the checkout.

- Checkout: PostGrid address autocomplete tool integrated.

- Checkout: Added order tickets button in the header on a mobile view for Parachute theme.

- Dashboard: Added "New order" and "List orders" buttons on a dashboard for HouseAgents and PhoneAgents. Applies to account type: HouseAgent, PhoneAgent.

- E-mails: Option to enable/disable sending out email notification to order buyers (official ticket, order receipts) by user with Agent role. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Option to save printing settings on the order creation page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Current Jackpot value is showing for all raffles under HouseAgent view of an order creation page (all raffles that are running 50/50). Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Phone number front-end validation plugin added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Interac in-person refund feature added for varous scenarios: order cancellation, order alteration, failed backend validation and server failure. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Option to block other than Stripe POS Terminal usage. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: Added new payment processing state "Executing" to prevent double payments initiated by Agents. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Payments: Show last 4 digits and card type in order details for POSTerminal payments (if available). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: Stripe POS Terminal control icon added into header. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Payments: Option to enable/disable fees collection by Stripe. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: RaffleNexus splash screen with logo displayed on a Stripe POS plus option to show custom splash screen for raffle. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Security: When bots were trying to submit false order, 404 error is thrown when not in the raffle context.

- Security: Laravel's session cookies to have "Secure" attribute.

- Security: CSRF protection added on defined routes for GET request type (on state-changing URLs).

- User account: List of forbidden common passwords defined.

- User account: Forced login on a single device as an option (in access control modules' settings) + logout reason message added.

## Changed

- Administration: Hide lottery menu for non-admin accounts. Applies to account type: Manager.

- Administration: Option to allow/disallow ticket package alteration for Admins (also without superadmin privilege) while the raffle is started. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Improved raffle deletion script. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Users list made more compact. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle cloning script is ignoring day and evening phone fields and renaming Cellular phone to just "Phone". This rule does not apply to certain instances. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Changelog: No changelog displayed for HouseAgent, PhoneAgent and PrizeDitributor users. Applies to account type: HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PrizeDitributor.

- Checkout: Changed default font for Parachute theme.

- Checkout: IP blocked page improved.

- Checkout: Sell progress visibility option on the ticket packs section adjusted.

- Dashboard: Back-end header and footer slightly rearranged.

- Orders: By default, agent initials field value is not required. Applies to account type: HouseAgent, PhoneAgent.

- Orders: Order receipt print is an option for all users and selection is saved in cookies. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Default list of available payment types for HouseAgent changed to: CreditCard, Cash, POSTerminal Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Default in-person payment method changed to POSTerminal and Cash. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Attachment section hidden for HouseAgent accounts on order creation page. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order attachment popup window loads on the last closed tab (certain camera or upload tab). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Setting first available sale location when agent doesn't have assigned any and there is no location stored in cookies. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Orders search filter improved (eg. search for first and last name is possible). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Turned off back-end phone number and credit card type validation for POSTerminal transactions. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: HouseAgents are not longer forced to print order receipt/official tickets. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order creation page forHouseAgent tablet view improved. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: When entering paper tickets into the system, contact fields are not required when the attachment (photo of paper ticket) for the order is present. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: Stripe terminal registration button won't show until stripe account is completely connected. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Font-size for ticket listing on paper ticket adjustment formula added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Printing: Changed to 24-hour format time presentation on the official ticket and order confirmation print.

- Printing: Generated default Rules of Play, official ticket, order receipt and paper ticket wording on print template adjustment for Saskatchewan province.

## Fixed

- Administration: When bots are submitting arrays as query parameters, cache control was throwing errors. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: When bots are submitting arrays as query parameters, cache control was throwing errors. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: If not set, default user role for a lottery was set to Customer when altering user's info. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle creation wizard was failing when swapping order of main lottery and 50/50 ticket pack group. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Simplified password policy wasn't respected in all on password reset and password change form.

- Checkout: Checkout unlock in the Test mode fixed to properly work with cache control feature.

- Checkout: Countdown wrapper HTML element was output even when no counting was present for the current rendered page.

- Checkout: Number of shares presented on the front-end wasn't updating over ajax for non 50/50 raffles.

- Checkout: Parachute theme header corrected.

- Checkout: Sold out tickets were not listed as sold out on the splash screen.

- Checkout: Heading section for parachute theme was missing.

- Orders: For stripe terminal, the connection hint message was showing despite the payment type was changed to other than POSTerminal. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Cellular phone number was not listed on the similar orders popup when creating new order. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Credit card section wasn't displaying on the order creation page for HouseAgent view (it was present in the collapsed section of other order parameters). Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- Orders: Stripe terminal auto-connection issue fixed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Sale stats were not updating properly when single ticket pack sale was explicitly turned off but had the inventory available. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Phone number dialing country code wasn't set in all cases for order creation page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Numerous fixes to Stripe Terminal integration (like corrected messaging, pop-up windows presentation, flow of payment/refund process and retries, UI bug fixes). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Payment provider remained set to POSTerminal or CreditCard provider on order creation page when switched to Cash or Check. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order confirmation print wasn't always showing after order was created by the back-end user. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Paper Tickets: Paper ticket filter search wasn't always working. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Affiliate.

- Payments: Some Moneris error messages were showing properly.

- Payments: Fee calculation for stripe payments with tax excluded option was wrong. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: When order failed validation on the back-end for Stripe terminal payment, the PaymentIntent object in stripe remained in "Uncaptured" state. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Payments: Stripe terminal unbinding fixed. Sometimes the page reload with device info still in the DB, while stripe was processing the unbinding. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Typo in draw confirmation print (Province). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Order summary report was counting cancelled ticket pack groups. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- User account: Auto-logging out intended URL wasn't validated.

### [2.5.6] 2022-07-04

## Added

- Administration: Order cancellation policy. 5 options to setup (available for system administrators only): "NoRestriction", "MarkAsChargebackAfterFinalDraw", "MarkAsChargebackAfterAnyDraw", "NoCancellationAfterAnyDraw" and "NoCancellation". Applies to account type: Admin.

## Changed

- Administration: Changes to rules of play generator (added "Complaints" and "Delay in Draw" section) Applies to account type: Admin.

- Printing: Draw date and time pulled from the database on the draw confirmation print, instead of a place to fill out the date and time by pen. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Payments: Fee calculation for stripe payments with tax excluded option was wrong. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.5.5] 2022-05-25

## Added

- Activity logs: Option to filter event by category added (user and order related events). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Activity logs: Added label to event related to user account actions (like creating, updating, locking etc.). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: Added script that checks constantly for core files modifications. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: IP whitelisting feature added. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: New raffle theme added (parachute). First, minimal version of it. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Dashboard: User session expiration message as a popup with auto-logout added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer, PrizeDistributor.

## Changed

- Checkout: Content cache disabled for order status pages.

- Checkout: Added noindex, nofollow meta tag for non-live raffles. That is when they are in a Test/Maintenance mode or have ended.

- Dashboard: Pricing tier summary section was removed from the dashboard. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mail templates: Removed option of e-mail template alteration. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mails: Improved mechanism of validating contents of outgoing emails. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Paper Tickets: Increased number of paper tickets displayed on the list to 250 per page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Changed wording of print templates (for BC: Section 10 changed to Section 11). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Black and white logo fetch for Epson official ticket print improved. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

## Fixed

- Administration: Rules of play generator had static "British Columbia" text instead of province it supposed to have. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Affiliates links: When accessing affiliate link alteration page with not existing id, 404 error wasn't thrown. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Checkout: Jackpot section wasn't showing properly when set to show static contents until it reaches defined value.

- Orders: Orders summary ticket packs were not always sorted properly. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

### [2.5.4] 2022-03-15

## Added

- Checkout: Cache control feature added.

- Orders: Tablet view for order creation page added.

- Orders: Added prevention against double charges for queued payment processing. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Option to change payment provider on the order's creation page added (selection is saved in cookies). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Stripe terminal (card reader) support added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Grayscale logo mode support for epson thermal printer added.

- Reporting: Added filter date from and to parameters in Affiliates report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Ticket packages: Added starting and closing date & time for the ticket pack group in the details view (if set). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Checkout: Draw countdown on the checkout page made dynamic.

- Checkout: Visual adjustments in order lookup tool.

- Checkout: Added HTML rel attribute and noindex nofollow meta tags into print, status and top-up pages.

- Dashboard: Admin users won't be listed anymore on the lottery details page.

- Optimization: Virtual barrel loading with tickets speed up. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket packages: Ticket packages page rearranged. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Analytics: Analytics page for cancelled orders wasn't loading. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Backend validation error messages were not showing as pop-up to the user.

- E-mail templates: E-mail template preview requested from template alteration page was breaking when the "preview" directory did not exist. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Prize data export feature did not work properly. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Affiliate report was not showing when no affiliate links were defined. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Tracking code: Cancel button link wasn't linking properly on a tracking codes management page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Tracking code: Display proper message when empty tracking code form was submitted. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.5.3] 2021-10-12

## Added

- Administration: Owner address (organization physical address) translation attribute added to be used in gaming footer and ticket print template. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Maintenance page added. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Core files checksum calculation bash script added. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: IP lookup utility added. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Added Docker. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: On a public prize list, prize text_id as a CSS class of a prize wrapper element added. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Rules of Play generation is using legal age and province name defined in lottery's legislature_code. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Analytics: Ticket pack quantity column added in "Ticket packs" report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Affiliates report added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Option to overwrite default caption under jackpot value: "Winners takes half" added.

- Checkout: Global Payments provider added (API and Legacy).

- Orders: Added quantity of provider's refunds and fees on the orders summary page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Option to define max number of characters of manual order ID added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Option to assign affiliate to an order on order creation and alteration page added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Payments: CreditCard payment processing through job queue (for stored cards) plus payment state badge added.

- Printing: Epson Terminal printer integrated. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Added "full" (next to existing "partial") official ticket print in Print/Export tool. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Prizes: Strict prize draw order option added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: RNG draw with repetition option added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Additional initials and date fields on check-off report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

## Changed

- Administration: Analytics page load speed improved. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Administration: Raffle cloning script: by default all cloned raffles have directory listing flag set to 1. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Affiliates: SuperViewer role has now privilege to create, modify and delete affiliate links. Applies to account type: SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Segmentation report generation speed up (reduced number of SQL queries) Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: "IP" localization restriction type set for the checkout does not restrict buyer's address to be outside defined location(s).

- Checkout: Show asterisk next to mandatory field's label on the checkout.

- Checkout: Strike out sold out ticket packs on splash screen and on the sidebar.

- Checkout: Show IP and it's recognized location on checkout blocked page.

- Orders: Order's action menu item renamed from "Copy" to "TOP-UP™". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Bold total on payment processing helper tab. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Option to use separated Bambora account for offline payments (like Agents, Fax, Mail). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: If Top-up module is disabled (Order copy), then do not show links to top-up analytics and top-up related filter options. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order creation page - payment type and location selection pop-up window. When CreditCard is selected, state is set to New, so that the credit card section appears. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders Import: Do not send ticket confirmation email for imported orders during the import process. Email can be sent out manually. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Paper Tickets: Default paper ticket print template footer generated based on a given legislature the rafle is running under. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Option to print official tickets of each ticket pack group separately on order creation page after the order was created (from the confirmation pop-up). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Default official ticket print template contains essential rules of play for the given legislature the raffle is running under. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Paper ticket print template corrected. Added option to print or hide Date & Time field. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Draw event parameters attendee phone number added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Defined 3 scopes of RNG draws without repetition for drawn tickets exclusion: Single prize, Single draw and all draws. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: "Check off list" report made more readable by hiding session and/or sub-session fields (when filtered) and shortened column names on the print. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: When session or sub-session is closed, all it's related orders with review state set as "ReviewRequired" receive "Reviewed" state. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Administration: CSV examination helper function wasn't working properly on small amount of data (for order or customer data import). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle wizard wasn't creating type parameters for Jackpot ticket pack group plus sometimes ticket pack initial ticket numbers were overlapping causing the inx_initial_number index constrain blocking full form submission. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Custom style definition in CSS file was not loading for the system backend. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Adjustments in CSV examination helper function to have it working properly with PHP 7.4. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle wizard. Prize photo wasn't saving on raffle wizard form. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Date and time wasn't showing properly for the SQL debugger. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: Route cache for static pages wasn't working properly under PHP 7.4. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle wizard. If prize name contained quote, then it was not possible to assign a sponsor to it. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Raffle wizard redirect back to the wizard but within the domain that just might be updated. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Analytics: Comparison analytics report wasn't loading in some cases. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Possible problem with loading report data for top-ups fixed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Analytics page wasn't loading charts in some cases. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Page wasn't loading when accessed with non-existing affiliate link.

- Checkout: Bambora was sometimes returning wrong error message (e.g. on card declined).

- Checkout: DateTimeFormatter failed to format midnight time in some cases.

- Checkout: Page was failing to load when a JavaScript translation file was missing.

- Checkout: Subdivision (province/state) selection wasn't working properly on Safari for account creation, user account alteration and customer alteration forms.

- Checkout: When affiliate link field was present on the checkout but was not set through the form and not present in the cookies, order couldn't be saved.

- Customers: Customers data import was failing under PHP 7.4 Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Customers: Customers module was throwing error when filter was used but no fields were defined for the module. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Customers: Customers data import tool wasn't working properly. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Notifications: User notification wasn't created properly under certain conditions. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Order creation with paper ticket - validation failed (error) when user entered non alphanumeric character as a paper ticket id. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: User with special role IP was validated against allowed sale location when creating or altering orders, therefore cross-regions alterations weren't possible. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order failed creation timestamp validation on the order creation page when lottery starting time wasn't equal to midnight and order creation date was set to the same day. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Orders filter wasn't always working when used with paper ticket id. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: House and Phone orders must have required ticket pack selected if it's not a top-up order. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Ticket type selection tab on order creation page was shown even when paper tickets module is not activated. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders Import: Importing using queue of more than 1 worker deadlocks the process. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Paper tickets: Paper ticket search filter was breaking sometimes when searched for specific paper ticket id. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: If early draw or final cut off date didn't pass, then draw button is hidden on prize details page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Prize publication links were available in action menu even when the prize was not yet fully drawn. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Backend list of prizes wasn't rendering properly in "tablet" view. Buttons were next to the first draw section. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Report "Orders with links" was failing to generate. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Prize pick up report was throwing error when no prize was defined in the pool. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Currency values presented as formatted value with decimals were not rounded properly. Rounding method needed to be changed to half up. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Reporting: Ticket sale report failed to generate when raffle name contained quote character. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

### [2.5.2] 2021-02-18

## Added

- Prizes: RNG with increased capacity integrated. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket packages: Ticket pack group short name option added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Administration: PDF Generator. Add error notification when pdf fails to generate (only cUrl related issues). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: By default no payment profile is used in Bambora.

- Checkout: Twitter preview card corrected (large image preview) when sharing url of nexus pages.

- Optimization: Do not load list of all assigned raffles in the left top corner for super admins. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Optimization: Limit number of mysql errors reported to sentry from nexus by ignoring those with repeated sql query. It should limit sentry quote consumption. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Optimization: Administration raffle cloning script fixed sql code, responsible for copying fields. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Orders: By default, top-up box is collapsed on order new/edit page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneManager, PhoneAgent.

- Orders: ReviewState flag "Manual" mode added. In this mode, manual Review state changes are possible. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Improvement: Processed state for order available under these conditions: If paper tickets then it needs to have data entered completely or have attachments. If electronic tickets then it needs to have official tickets email delivered. If post tickets then it needs to have official tickets letter printed (and eventually address label printed if that feature is enabled). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Printing: Official tickets for each ticket pack group can be printed and confirmed separately. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Paper tickets: Paper ticket list filter failed when searching for more than one paper ticket id (comma separated).

- Paper tickets: Dialog window was asking about printing cutlines when it asking about confirmation on paper ticket cancellation.

### [2.5.1] 2020-11-20

## Added

- Administration: Added ability to include custom JavaScript in non-public context. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Moneris payment provider added.

- Orders: Option to filter orders by "Has top-ups" parameter added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneManager, PhoneAgent.

- Orders: Print/Export tool. Added order link parameter (cid) Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Badge for each ticket pack groups added on the list of orders. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Badge for address label printed added on the list of orders. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Address label print state added to the order details page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Printing: Address label print option added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Optimization: Helper tab requests excluded from activity logging.

- Orders: By default order alteration for phone agent is disabled. It can be enabled in Module's Settings -> Phone ordering section. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PhoneAgent.

- Paper tickets: File type limitation for file upload feature added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Printing: Default paper tickets print template. Tickets sorted by pile, then number instead of just by number. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Orders without creator assigned, that are being marked as paid, are having creator assigned with the user marking them as paid. This allows web orders to have payment agent user assigned to sub-session. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

## Fixed

- Checkout: Correct page title for the status/top up page when order-copy module is disabled.

- Checkout: Status page. Do not show "Electronically issued only No" if only post tickets are available.

### [2.5.0] 2020-07-29

## Added

- Activity logs: Show server process ID in activity log item details. Plus activity logs can be filtered by process ID. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Affiliates links: Added affiliate selection on a checkout as a dropdown. Each affiliate link can be set as "changeable" or not. If users landed with an unchangeable link, dropdown with affiliates list isn't shown. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Checkout: Trademark added to TOP-UP.

- Checkout: Meta and description html tag added to winners page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Tracking codes option added to winners and prize list page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Added error catchers on post order creation actions (like sending notifications, updating sellout mode state etc) to prevent interruptions during order creation process after the payment.

- Orders: Option to unbind top-up order added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Added toggle button between paper and electronic ticket on order creation page. Displaying different form elements depending on the selection. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Order attachments feature added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Option to store order attachments on Amazon S3. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order attachments limited to certain file types and extensions only. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Fields for taxes and fees added to "Custom export tool". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Raffle Nexus: Customer data lookup tool enabled if "customers" module is enabled. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Top-up option added on order creation page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Image viewer javascript plugin added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Dropzone javascript plugin added for attachments upload. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Paper tickets: Paper tickets bulk data entry feature added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: Notification shown when order is created using paper tickets and it's missing required ticket pack. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: Paper tickets info added on order details page, orders list, orders summary page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Printing: Prize draw confirmation with attendee signatures section default template defined. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Prize winning mail notification letter (prize winning congratulation) default template defined. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Show order attachments on the draw confirmation window (if the order(s) associated with the winning ticket(s) has any). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket packages: Option to defined max number of each ticket pack per order. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket packages: Show available tickets for sale on ticket pack management page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Affiliates links: Hide affiliate link delete option from the action menu if the link has sales assigned or visits coutnted. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Analytics: Added table footer with totals for daily and monthly report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Changelog: Changelog items sorted by section starting from version 2.5.0

- Checkout: Bambora payment process updated. Removed payment profile usage.

- Checkout: Larger font on ticket pack selection field (on public checkout only).

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus logo slightly adjusted.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Wording corrected - no cutoff, just deadline and sale deadline made bold font.

- Checkout: Lottery Nexus: If there is only one ticket pack group defined, ticket pack section is full width.

- Checkout: Reserved paper tickets are counted as sold tickets by the algorithm that closes the sale of ticket pack or ticket pack group.

- Checkout: Reserved paper tickets taken into account when calculating maximal value for qty field.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Prize photo lightbox loading effect added.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Prize photo slider is started when it's scrolled into view.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Prize photo zoom on hover effect removed.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: FAQ and Important dates sidebars' text corrected.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Splash screen sections on mobile order changed. Image first, then ticket pricing.

- Checkout: Removed empty title placeholder in a "Don't know your order number?" panel.

- Checkout: When sell out mode is turned on automatically, sold tickets and reserved paper tickets are included for margin count.

- Dashboard: Freshdesk side tab z-index reduced. It doesn't need to be on the very top in all cases. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- E-mails: Email notifications (order receipt or official tickets) by default won't be sent to order containing paper tickets. This can be changed in "Email notifications" module's settings. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Invitations: User invitation form rearranged. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Optimization: Less AJAX requests during order creation by Agents. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Optimization: Available ticket recalculation speed-up after order has been altered.

- Optimization: Less SQL queries executed during order placement.

- Optimization: Order attachments size reduced in about ~30%.

- Optimization: Query recalculating sold tickets quantity and totals executed after order alteration improved by ~80%.

- Optimization: User's unread notifications count for header badge improved.

- Optimization: Activity logs slightly improved.

- Optimization: "Orders with links" report generation speed up. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Optimization: Data in Analytics module loaded faster. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Description added to CreditCard payment type on order creation page. It's listed as "Credit Card (manual entry)". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: E-mail address is shown as it was typed into the system (no lower or upper case modificators are used). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: All customer data exported from the system is uppercase, except for email (and email_confirmation) field for all kind of export methods. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Include "has paper ticket" info in the exported files in Print / Export feature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Option to cancel order removed and option to resend tickets added for PhoneAgent. Applies to account type: PhoneAgent.

- Orders: Exclude from Print / Export feature, orders with paper tickets from the "Official Tickets" -> "Print all" and "Print all not yet printed" letter print and export as these customers do not need to receive mail confirmation letter because they already have paper tickets in hand. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Added labels next to ticket packs and ticket pack groups on order creation page showing progress of sale. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Country and subdivision (province) fields options limited to lottery defined values only for phone orders. Applies to account type: PhoneAgent.

- Orders: Customer lookup query is executed after field looses it's focus. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order attachments icon size adjusted for large, small and normal thumbnail view mode. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Couple visual adjustments to orders list. Paper ticket ids arranged in 3 per row. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Photo capture dialog box (URL download) show error message when image fails to download. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Browser's autocomplete feature disabled for orders filter. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Environment (back) camera set as default in camera photo capture plugin. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Order's photo attachment can be viewed with a zoom. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Orders placed by HouseAgent and PhontAgent must have required ticket pack selected if it's not a top-up order. Applies to account type: HouseAgent, PhoneAgent.

- Orders: Removed autocomplete on top-up lookup tool and on qty fields on order creation page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Show badge on list of orders if official ticket has been sent. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Order details window on order creation page is refreshed with data populated from a customer lookup tool as soon as fields are filled with values. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Fax code changed to 9 on order creation page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: BCC delivery status is no longer shown in order's history. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Phone order script can have HTML format. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Paper tickets: Terms of use acceptance added to the data entry (if that field is defined for the raffle). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: List of bulk data entry fields is defined in module's settings. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Paper tickets: Option to enter orders data in bulk as other user (for users with elevated privileges). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Paper tickets: Data entry table changed from scroll to vertical arrangement on mobile. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: Order attachment is required for partial data entry and not required for full data entry. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: Recalculate sold tickets, reserved paper tickets and sale close flag if needed is done after paper tickets assignement. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Paper tickets: Main menu rearranged slightly for paper tickets. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: "Consolas" font family used for paper ticket id. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: Bulk data entry of paper tickets with option to enter full order info or just it's photos (as attachments) Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: SuperViewer option for paper ticket bulk data entry removed. Applies to account type: SuperViewer.

- Paper tickets: Added summary table for current filter selection on paper ticket list/print/export page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: If ticket pack group has it's own start or end date set, paper ticket is validated against order creation timestamp. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: Couple minor changes on paper ticket data entry page. Payment type field is required, added "Eligble for" dropdown for placed at field and hide row delete button if only one row is present. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Paper tickets: Paper ticket and it's feature moved as it's own main menu. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Affiliate.

- Printing: Paper tickets default print template calibrated and added option to print cutlines. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Raffle/lottery logo aligned on default print templates for order receipt and official tickets. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Official tickets print template calibrated. Different font size depending on number of ticket pack groups and smaller paddings and margins between elements. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Prize description cut if it's too long on draw confirmation print template. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Field "Date" became "Order Date" on prize draw confirmation print template. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Added "Drawn before me" in the footer as a static text on prize draw confirmation print template. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Official ticket print text "All prizes will be conducted in accordance with Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch - Standard Procedures for Ticket Raffles." replaced with "This draw will be conducted in accordance with the Licensed Charitable Gaming Rules – Section 10: Ticket Raffles.".

- Prizes: After the draw is performed, winners name on the drawing dialog box is shown depeneding on the modules settings (first name and last name, initial(s) and last name or initials only). If first and last name is selected, essential order info and contact details are shown, otherwise just ticket number and shortened winners name are visible. This is useful in case of a public draw. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Added "Exclude not required ticket pack groups" parameter to the "Orders with links" report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Do not list cancelled orders in "Orders with links" report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Ticket packages: Ticket pack sale is closed if available tickets for ticket pack is not given, but is for ticket pack group and ticket pack quantity is higher than available ticket for sale in the group. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- User account: User can't change email address during registration when signing up through invitation.

- Winners: Default number of tabs visible on the winners page, before they fall down to a dropdown changed from 4 to 6.

## Fixed

- Administration: Lottery/Raffle cloning script was breaking when there was a checkout field defined but not assigned to any field group (that is disabled field). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Redirect requests that contain www in the url to the same url but without www. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Lottery/Raffle wizard was breaking if no early draw was defined. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Lottery/Raffle cloning script. Generate random api_secret_key when cloning user roles. Default credit card provider copied from cloned lottery/raffle. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Administration: Added extra check on Mailgun Events API returned list of events.

- Affiliates links: Affiliate link path can contain dot.

- Affiliates links: Visits were not counted for globally non unique link path.

- Affiliates links: Micortime part of temporary sharing code generated at the time of it's creation did not work with DateTime object created without microtime part.

- Analytics: Google Analytics data layer wasn't tracked. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Binary values were not showing on segmentation charts. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Top-ups analytics page was not loading if there was no sales yet. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Daily and monthly tables were not loading when there was less than 3 rows of data. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Display message "No data to display" and reason if too strict filter selection or no orders in the database yet instead of blank boxes without charts. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Analytics: Limit agents stats to current lottery/raffle only. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Rules of Play generation script wasn't adding a closing html tag.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Do not show caption wrapper on splash slider if slide name or description is not given.

- Checkout: Generated PDF documents had binary characters in the title. Adding Copy permission solved it and full title is visible properly.

- Dashboard: Raffle URL reminder option failed when trying to send list of raffle urls for non-existing user.

- Dashboard: Disabling browser's autocomplete for authenticator and qty fields wasn't working with latest version of Chrome.

- E-mail templates: Email Template list failed to load on fresh raffle instance where no order was placed yet. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: Phone number form control country flag always vertically centered. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Photo capture button was sometimes below the selected photos/attachments list and it was difficult to click or tap it. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Email and order number fields were responsing very slow on key press in Internet Explorer on order creation form. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Image viewer javascript plugin wasn't working in Internet Explorer. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: For touch screens, checkboxes and radio buttons were not responding on touch events. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Time in "Placed from/to" fields was reset to midnight in 12-hours format when the orders filter form was submitted. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Proper sort of ticket pack (and groups) on order list page for each order. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Orders summary dropdown wasn't loading when clicked on an arrow. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Order alteration failed validation when ticket pack it contained was sold out. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order validator failed on "Placed at" field for the first day of the sale. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: No paper ticket verification on order alteration page (to ignore false validation failure messages as paper ticket was validated when the order was entered) Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: When creating paper ticket order, there is no need to check for available tickets for sale as it was reserved during paper tickets assignment. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Dashed date format wasn't recognized by Safari browser.

- Paper tickets: Link to cancelled orders on paper tickets manage table corrected (the link wasn't working). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Paper tickets: Cancelled paper tickets were included into reserved paper ticket calculation.

- Paper tickets: Paper ticket verification ajax call was unnecessarily executed every 2 seconds. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Paper tickets: Paper ticket export into CSV file didn't include all ticket numbers. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Payments: If authorization fails during stripe account connection for any reason, just redirect to dashboard. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Prize winners couldn't be published for early draw while the lottery/raffle was still running. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Settlement of elavon/converge transaction check was interrupted when no transaction for settlement was present in the session but session was set as not 100% settled. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: New lines are replaced with spaces for data exported into CSV or DBF. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Check off report was missing "City" column. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Tickets: Generated PDF documents had binary characters in the title. Adding Copy permission solved it and full title is visible properly.

- Winners: 404 error is returned when invalid url is entered for that module in public context.

### [2.4.3] 2020-05-25

## Added

- Checkout: Bambora payment provider added.

### [2.4.2] 2019-12-13

## Fixed

- Checkout: Sellout mode calculation wasn't closing ticket pack or ticket pack group sale in all cases.

### [2.4.1] 2019-07-10

## Added

- Paper Tickets: Paper Tickets feature added.

- Affiliates links: Affiliate as a user role added.

- Checkout: Checkout "Test" mode fully implemented.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Lightbox effect added to the prize slider presentation box. It's shown when the photo is clicked.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Added video (or any html) handling to the prize slider presentation box.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Page title added on the home page (below slider area).

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Sidebar top and bottom custom html section added.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Heading text section above the slider on the home page added.

- Administration: New Lottery/raffle quick administration wizard and instance cloning script (command line). Applies to account type: Admin.

- Reporting: Cancelled paper tickets section added on "Voided tickets" report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Inline order alteration ability added for "Check off list" report (customer and address fields only). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Orders: Multiselect field for status, origin, payment type, payment provider, and language added to the orders search filter. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Orders can be searched by its' creation or modification date and time. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Show each print event in order's history section (not only the latest one). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Order creation. Added input code for Fax orders (2), therefore all codes for sale locations were changed by one. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Google+ removed and Pinterest enabled instead in social sharing module.

- Checkout: FontAwesome library upgraded to version 4.7.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Home page slider responsiveness improved.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Hide past early draws prizes from the prize list until the sales end.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Sharing buttons format changed and Pinterest button removed.

- Printing: Removed "Printing" menu item as these features are no longer used. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Prize can't be altered if the lottery starting date/time passed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- User account: User's settings page. Notifications list made more readable.

- Administration: If the tickets sale is started then show the configuration with fields disabled for alteration instead of redirection to lottery overview page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: Application maintenance mode page messaging corrected. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Removed last column ("Orders total") from "Summary of orders & sessions" report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mails: New message event type added ("Failed") and couple improvements were made on Mailgun integration. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Sharing link unique id generation failed when 2 or more requests were made at the same time.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Early Draw cut off countdown wasn't showing on public pages.

- Checkout: Form's quantity fields autofill detection improved.

- Affiliates links: Order sale wasn't counted for affiliate link if it didn't have user assigned. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Affiliate.

- Affiliates links: Affiliate link couldn't be saved when tag had apostrophe. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Affiliate.

- Winners: Translation for winners quantity added in case prize is published but not yet drawn.

- Reporting: Prize pickup report didn't download when queried with draw or lottery parameters. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Draw dates: Do not show "Remove early draw" button if early draw has prizes assigned. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Dashboard: Pricing tiers separators were not visible.

- E-mails: Email sending failed if receiver display name contained special character.

### [2.4.0] 2019-02-01

## Added

- User account: Logout user on account deactivation or lock. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: "Lookup & TOP-UP" link on draw pending page.

- E-mail templates: E-mail templates can be loaded from database instead of file system.

- Printing: Print templates can be loaded from database instead of file system.

- Orders: Order creation time field is updated to current timestamp as Agent starts to fill out the form, but only if the form remained blank since the page load. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Sale closed popup is shown when house or phone agent enters the order creation page or when starts to fill out the form but the cut off date has passed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Prizes: Prize winner notification e-mail can be send to certain cities or postal codes only (defined in Modules' Settings). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: If winners module is active, draw date passed and prizes are published winners list is show under root URL.

- Prizes: List of archived winners from other binded lotteries/raffles are shown at the bottom of winners list (archive publication time can be limited).

- Prizes: Confirmation message shown to the user before starting the draw.

- Prizes: Ticket reconciliation confirmation tracked for each prize (who and when). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: Configuration changelog feature added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: System update details added to the changelog. Tracks who and when updated the system.

- Draw dates: Option to set winners publication end date (through "Draw Dates" page). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Draw dates: Dates validator added at "Draw Dates" page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Gaming bar format definition added for other locations than BC.

## Changed

- Orders: On order creation page, created at eligibility dropdown limited to early draws which close date has passed and main lottery close date is not visible if it did not pass (current timestamp is present instead). Items from this dropdown set "created at" field as the selected timestamp minus 1 minute. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order creation time format is HH:MM:SS Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneManager.

- Administration: Time format configuration option that forces 24-hour time presentation. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Orders: History entries of a date/time type are formatted according to lottery/raffle timezone. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Administration: Order creation date (at order creation page) can have any format defined per lottery/raffle. The default is: MM/DD/YYYY Applies to account type: Admin.

- Payments: Fees and taxes rounding changed from 4 decimal digits to 10. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Winners: Font capitalization for buttons and tabs on winners page.

- Checkout: Link color and underline for checkbox fields on the checkout.

- Administration: "E-mail confirmations" module renamed to "E-mail notifications". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mail templates: Default e-mail templates unified.

- Printing: Default order confirmation print template unified.

- Orders: Order "process standby ends at" feature removed as it wasn't ever used and fully implemented. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Notifications: User notification options settings updated. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, PrizeDistributor, Viever, SuperViewer.

- Notifications: User notification badges updated in 30 seconds interval. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, PrizeDistributor, Viever, SuperViewer.

## Fixed

- E-mail templates: Bulk load translations for TicketPack, TicketPackGroup, Field, FieldGroup and FieldListItem failed to load by single process (HTTP request or job queue) when operating on multiple lottery/raffle instances.

- Checkout: Hide top-up link from order status page when the sale is closed.

- Winners: Front page winners list failed to load if sorting order parameter has other value than "asc" or "desc" in the requested url.

- Affiliates links: Link field on a list of links changed to readonly.

### [2.3.12] 2018-11-05

## Added

- Invitations: Option to define new organization at user invitation stage. Organization is created once user registers account. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Prize photo slider added.

- E-mail marketing: Integration with MailWizz added.

## Changed

- Reporting: Following access privileges assigned to Manager: download order data, print ticket stubs, see and download reports. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Wording on the default thermal print footer changed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Active menu link click scrolls to the content. Animation speed adjusted.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: If one of raffle's ticket pack group is of Jackpot type, then Jackpot value is display at the top of splash screen when in a mobile view, other wise slider is shown at the top.

- Payments: Fees and taxes rounding changed from 2 decimal digits to 4. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Prize sponsor logo link added to defined website url (if present).

## Fixed

- Dashboard: Lottery/Raffle logo responsive on lottery details page (back-end)

- Winners: Winners initials corrected to accept unnecessary spaces between first and last name.

- Orders: On order creation form, email confirmation field failed validation if email and email confirmation had the same value but with a different case (but only when the front-end validation of this field was enabled for Agents). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Manually entered order number for Mail (and Web) was always required, disregard modules' settings. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Show splash screen wasn't visible for affiliate link and sharing link

- User account: List of provinces (subdivisions) failed to load properly on user registration form on Apple devices.

- Prizes: Some action buttons hidden for SuperViewer as clicking them shows "This action is unauthorized" message anyway. Applies to account type: SuperViewer.

### [2.3.11] 2018-10-01

## Added

- Prizes: Winners are listed on a prize list (in a prize box) when there are less than 4 winners, otherwise the link to winners page is present.

- Printing: Added default print format for official tickets.

## Changed

- Prizes: "Group" prize attribute renamed to "Category". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Winners: Winners menu item is shown on the far right when at least one prize is published but draw timestamp didn't pass and shown on the far left when the timestamp passed.

- Orders: Raffle Nexus: CreditCard as code "1" was added to the "Enter code" pop-up on the order creation form. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: On Order creation form "Order id" and "Accounting id" can be required or not. By default, for Lottery Nexus it's required, for Raffle Nexus it's not. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: E-mail confirmation field on order creation form is validated only if it contains any value. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Printing: Ability to print official tickets added. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

- E-mails: Ability to send official tickets added. Applies to account type: HouseAgent.

## Fixed

- Winners: Winners cache wasn't cleared for all publish/unpublish menu items. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Winners: Winners publish/unpublish menu item wasn't working on the prize list for single prize. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Printing: Official ticket confirmation print wasn't printing the thermal 2 and 3 inch size. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Affiliates links: Before affiliate link reference from order is created, it's checked if the affiliate link still exists, as it's id might be present in user's browser cookies.

### [2.3.10] 2018-09-24

## Added

- Winners: Prize winner publication tool added.

- Prizes: Prize publication date and time option added for calendar game type. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Affiliates links: Affiliates links and tags feature added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Checkout: Option to define custom content for FAQ, Important dates, Ticket packs and Contact us section.

- Printing: Multiple print format support added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

## Changed

- Reporting: Sessions list border color per order origin added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Dashboard: Raffle Nexus: show current pricing tiers only to users with "show payments list" privilege.

- Prize: Do not send prize win notification to winners if they already picked up the prize. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Show draw completed message instead of cut off and draw date on public prize box when the prize is set as published.

- Printing: Option to enable or disable order receipt and/or official tickets. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: Default HouseAgent print format defined in modules' settings. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: When ticket generation time is set as OnOrderPaid, then "Order receipt print" on manual order creation form, prints official tickets. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing & E-mails: Leading color definition for the checkout, email and the print (used optionally). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Orders: Order creator field on search filter form sorted by organization role, name and user name. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Order copying feature stopped working properly after orders duplicates prevention mechanism was put in place. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Customer lookup tool. No autocomplete when there is only one match. CTRL+M is required every time. Applies to account type: Admin, Agent, Manager, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Customer lookup tool. Don't query with a value length shorter than 3 characters. Applies to account type: Admin, Agent, Manager, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order search filter, creator name strictly set to current user (for House and Phone agents), as changing this filter value does nothing for this type of users. Applies to account type: HouseAgent, PhoneAgent.

- User account: Some template control directives were present on the prelogin page.

- Printing: Official Ticket when printed wasn't marked as printed when creating new order, with "Print official tickets" option by Agent and when ticket generation time is set as OnOrderPaid. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

### [2.3.9] 2018-07-31

## Added

- Checkout: Ticket pack group sale starting and closing date support added.

- Checkout: Jackpot's current value info added on a public prize list page.

- Invitations: Add lottery/raffle owner name to the list at the user invitation page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Users: Lottery/raffle owner name added to the list of access roles at the user alteration page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Payments: Raffle Nexus: Stripe payments enabled for House, Phone and regular Agents. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneManager.

- Ticket packs: Alphanumeric validation added on text id field for ticket pack group alteration pages. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Alphanumeric validation added on text id field for prize alteration pages. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- E-mail templates: No preview available for certain email templates when ticket packs are not defined. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Invitations: Option to assign access roles to all raffles/lotteries at once or one by one. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Draw dates: Margin between draw date and cut off date reduced to make the view more compact. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- E-mail templates: When there was no ticket pack defined, e-mail templates listing page failed to load. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Invitations: Organization not required when sending invitations. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

- Orders: Raffle Nexus: Order alteration didn't take into account electronic tickets only when that field was not defined on the order creation form. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

### [2.3.8] 2018-07-09

## Added

- Administration: Order number presented after recepit print for location sales. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, HouseAgent.

- User account: Raffle Nexus: Raffle owner name added to the pre-login page at the list of raffles user has previously logged in.

- Orders: Server-side order form multiple submission prevention. Lottery/Raffle and time depended unique value used to create a form token.

## Changed

- Orders: Disable "Save"/"Place order" button earlier in the form validation process. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Checkout: HTML format for prize and sponsor description allowed.

- Checkout: Static pages' content loaded from database.

### [2.3.7] 2018-06-26

## Added

- Administration: Raffle Nexus: Draw location added to lottery translation parameters to be used in email and print templates. Applies to account type: Admin.

## Changed

- Orders: Order alteration performed in background (ajax call) instead of reloading the page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

## Fixed

- Reporting: Raffle Nexus: Some static reports failed when there was no early draw or prize defined for the raffle. Applies to account type: Admin, SuperViewer.

- Orders: "Sending order" pop-up wasn't closing when the server finished processing the order alteration. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order duplicates lookup tool failed when customer number was used. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

### [2.3.6] 2018-06-18

## Added

- Administration: Send order info details on defined nexus instance admin e-mail when order is placed by the customer. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Checkout: Sharing links to be tracked by order id, if user who's sharing the link placed order (even after the link is published).

## Changed

- Checkout: On public prize list page, do not show sponsor "see more" link if the link url is not defined. Also, adjust the HTML grid depending on the sponsor logo or description presence.

- Checkout: On public prize list page HTML grid is adjusting depending on the sponsor logo or description presence.

- Orders: Display stripe error messages for test payments. Do not hide "Order is being sent" message when checking for duplicate orders does not return matches. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

## Fixed

- Reporting: Order summary info dropdown wasn't loading when queried with a sub-session id.

- Orders: Order duplicates lookup tool failed when there was more than 1 phone number entered. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

### [2.3.5] 2018-06-05

## Added

- Orders: Before the order is submitted, it's checked if order with similar data wasn't placed within last 24 hours. If there is a match, a popup window appears with list of matched orders. Agent can decide whether to proceed or not. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: When creating orders the form submission does not reload the page, but it's submitted in the background. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

## Changed

- User account: Raffle Nexus: Send "New user registration" notification only to super admins (Raffle Nexus instance) or to all admins for other instances. Applies to account type: Admin.

- User account: On user alteration form, list only lotteries/raffles that altering user is assigned to. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: For Elavon transactions, do not query for transactions state when the session has no transactions or all the transactions are already marked as settled.

- Prizes: Larger font size on all prize give out/pick up pages. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PrizeDistributor.

- Orders: Raffle Nexus: Same format for stripe credit card validation errors as for other fields. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Optimization: No need to fetch notifications and badges when user is not yet logged in.

## Fixed

- Dashboard: Expand left-side menu children items when it's parent is selected.

### [2.3.4] 2018-05-24

## Added

- Administration: Multiple BCC support added for "prize winner notification", "order status resend", "order confirmation" and "official tickets". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: E-mail message with order details sent to defined app instance admin email when the order is placed, altered, cancelled or ticket generated. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Optimization: HTML output truncated from whitespaces, which reduces the output size by 50-80%.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Social sharing options added to the order status page.

## Changed

- Dashboard: Do not show stripe connect status box on dashboard when account is connected.

- Dashboard: Dashboard reorganized.

- Orders: Do not show process standby date when ticket generation time is other than OnProcessStandbyEnd. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Raffle Nexus: No customer lookup feature (as there is no customer module). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Raffle Nexus: Order details page: showing tax rate isn't necessary as tax rate is calculated based on fee amount and tax amount. With small fee amount this calculation rounds to a different value that is actually set. Showing tax rate from raffle settings also won't work, as it may not show proper rate if authority changes tax rate value. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Slider moved below the lottery info in a mobile view.

- Reporting: For order summary window, when displaying summary for refunds (session or sub-session) cancelled orders are included for all summary sections. Cancelled orders are not included in the summary if refund session or sub-session is not explicitly requested. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Printing: When defining a new ticket stub print job, tickets per row and tickets per page fields must be set. Default values are also present. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: No manual payouts for stripe until "Custom" stripe account type is implemented. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- User account: Bottom margin added on account alteration form.

- User account: Phone number country selection on account registration form.

- User account: Postal code mask and phone number country selection on account registration form, account and user alteration form.

- User account: Account registration over invitation. Token kept in session instead of URL parameter (in case user navigates somewhere else and then back to registration when the invitation token would be lost).

- E-mails: Raffle Nexus logo in e-mail message footer added.

## Fixed

- Phone order: Do not show phone order form when the module is not activated.

- E-mails: App logo URL in e-mail message based on instance configuration when not in http context.

- Orders: Manual order creation form parameters saved in cookies to be checked against its valid value before setting that value as a field selection. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Reporting: For Elavon transaction settlement, list of transactions returned by converge not always contains a consecutive index. There was an error where there was a gap in indexing, therefore looping through the resultset is not index-based.

- Printing: Deletion of stubs print job batch corrected, to delete not printed entries for batch tickets entries and process info. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Administration: Saving modules' setting fixed for array-type parameters. There was a bug, during saving the settings, when the setting is of type array and the user wants to set empty value. Applies to account type: Admin.

- User account: When the session has expired (user was logged out), while being on authenticator form, he/she must be redirected to login page after submitting the authenticator value.

### [2.3.3] 2018-05-11

## Fixed

- Orders: Stripe support on manual order creation form. "Enter code" dialog window was not closing. For non CreditCard payments, the validation for stripe was unnecessarily fired. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Order details alteration was disabled for orders with generated tickets. The fix required the ticket pack section to be present on the form but locked for alteration. Only customer details can be changed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

### [2.3.2] 2018-04-18

## Added

- Orders: Order details floating window on order creation form. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support.

- Orders: Phone ordering form with scripts. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Customer lookup on archive/customer database. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Orders: Orders' list colors per order type Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- User account: Raffle URL reminder feature added.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Prizes list on a home page.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Prize sponsors listing added.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Rules of Play page added.

- Checkout: Raffle Nexus: Custom slides feature added.

- Checkout: Current jackpot value displayed in ticket pack section (as an option for Jackpot ticket pack group type).

- Orders: Stripe integration on manual order creation form. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

## Changed

- Order status: Changed order of panels on order status page. Order state, tickets listing then customer details.

- Orders: Customer lookup on key press idle, warning color on more than 1 match and similar results aggregation. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Order status: reCaptcha replaced with Invisible reCaptcha.

- User account: Pre-login page added and login page visually altered.

- Dashboard: Dashboard widget reorganized.

## Fixed

- Orders: Listing order comments with pop-up Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

### [2.3.1] 2018-03-15

## Added

- Reporting: Auto-scroll back to the row that opened the session summary pop-up window. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Reporting: Elavon transaction settlement status shown for session as progress bar.

- Payments: Info on taxes if applicable.

- Payments: Automatic payouts for stripe payment provider.

- Checkout: Option to list of prizes on the website was added for raffles.

## Changed

- Reporting: Ability to move for a review or close a session of Scheduled type (but for expired sessions only). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Reporting: Check off report listing extended to 2k items. Applies to account type: Admin, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Voided tickets report. Added customer details and ticket packs info. Applies to account type: Admin, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Enabled printing of session summary from the pop-up window. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders: Order alteration lock rules modified. Order with CreditCard as a payment type are now allowed, if provider is set as "none". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, Support, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- E-mails: If lottery/raffle owner is set, it's used as an e-mail sender ("From" header).

## Fixed

- Prizes: Prize winners listing order fixed (same as tickets draw order). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, PrizeDistributor.

- Prizes: Prize assign and perform draw dialog window wasn't opening if no draw information was provided first (header, footer and attendees). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Notifications: Proper list of notifications when not in lottery context.

- Administration: Access to draw dates page when in a Live mode. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mails: PDF generation protected for certain DOMPDF error.

- Reporting: Elavon session settlement fixed (settle open sessions when they close time passed and handling large session with more than 1k of transactions).

### [2.3.0] 2018-01-18

## Added

- Checkout: Social sharing feature.

- Checkout: Checkout as a lottery website containing all necessary info.

- Checkout: Show grand total on Order button as an option.

- Ticket Packs: Editable jackpot partition. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Tickets: Option to generate tickets right after the order is paid. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Tickets: Option to attach (or not) official tickets PDF to the e-mail. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Added Stripe as a payment provider.

- Reporting: Transaction fees info included in order's detail page, orders summary and calculated on session closure. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

## Changed

- Prizes: Draw confirmation. Reload page when cancel button is clicked. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Reporting: Check-off report sorting order changed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Tickets: Defining tickets type: Electronic only, post only or both types. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Checkout: Credit card icon for Mastercard was showing incorrectly.

- Optimization: Order keyword search improved.

- Module's settings: Fixed value saving process.

- Checkout: Google Analytics data layer was duplicating when page was restored from browser's cache.

- Optimization: Total tickets sold and total orders calculation improved.

- Optimization: RNG Draw results saving speed up.

### [2.2.9] 2017-11-30

## Changed

- Orders Import: Orders imported in background. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Ticket Packs: Ticket pack management improved. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Reports: Summary of orders and sessions report corrected (was crashing in certain cases). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Optimization: System optimized in few areas, including notifications, mailgun reporting, saving draw summary, supervisor state check.

### [2.2.8] 2017-11-08

## Added

- E-mails: Email sending failure prevention.

- Payments: Stripe Connect feature support.

## Changed

- Reports: Static report generation improvement. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Lottery Settings: Lottery settings lockdown for alteration when in Live mode. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Prizes: Prize bulk assignment. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.2.7] 2017-10-30

## Added

- Checkout: Added Stripe as a payment provider.

- Printing: New ticket stubs printing solution. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Dashboard: Database integrity tests. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Ticket Packs: Licence name added (for stub printing and ticket pack boxes on the checkout page). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Analytics: Segmentation. Load more results button for segments with open value list. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

- Administration: Ticket packs (certain attributes), draw dates and lottery sale location zones are locked for alteration during checkout Live mode. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Fixed

- Orders: Print/Export tool. Custom export bug with final/early draws removed.

### [2.2.6] 2017-10-10

## Added

- Ticket packs: Ticket management, limitation and sell out mode feature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Ticket limitation validation and sell out mode improvement.

- Checkout: Automatically close sales for entire ticket pack groups or single ticket packs if they are sold out.

- Checkout: Display current jackpot value for ticket pack group of 50/50 type and license name and number in the ticket pack group box footer.

## Fixed

- Checkout: Address lookup response when no country or subdivision is given in the request.

### [2.2.5] 2017-09-27

## Fixed

- Orders: Order receipt print dialog corrected to remember user's choice.

### [2.2.4] 2017-09-19

## Fixed

- Reports: Static reports field ID changed into _ID (to open properly with Excel).

### [2.2.3] 2017-09-15

## Changed

- Prizes: Prize tool improvements. Winners notification, both mail and e-mail. Prize data export feature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: RNG draw summary to include SHA1 signature and PHP version. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Email logs: Message state list is now logical OR instead of logical AND. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Order fields: Lottery checkout field management is temporary disabled. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.2.2] 2017-09-13

## Fixed

- Checkout: Order copy url failed when order number is invalid.

### [2.2.1] 2017-08-30

## Added

- Prizes: Random Number Generator as a drawing option added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.1.20] 2017-07-28

## Added

- Checkout: Resend order details on customer's e-mail feature added.

### [2.1.19] 2017-07-11

## Added

- Orders: Past orders list on a pop-up window of customer lookup tool. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

### [2.1.18] 2017-07-07

## Added

- Orders: Orders can be filtered by the number of address lookups customer has performed during the order placement. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Checkout: Address lookup tool for the checkout. Canada Post and Google Maps as possible data providers.

## Changed

- Orders: Customer lookup tool improvement Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

### [2.1.17] 2017-06-28

## Added

- Administration: Lottery creation, deletion and dummy data generation scripts. Applies to account type: Admin.

## Changed

- Orders: Customer lookup tool turned off for order alteration Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Checkout: Cancelled tickets hidden on order status page.

## Fixed

- Notifications: Notification failed to load when not in lottery context. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Prize publication minor fixes. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.1.16] 2017-05-30

## Added

- Orders: Custom data export tool extended with static fields feature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Files Repository: Added direct link to download CSV file with all the current data to date. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Changed

- Checkout: Checkout heartbeat mechanism replaced with checkout redirection pop-up on idle.

### [2.1.15] 2017-05-08

## Added

- Reporting: Added fields for report header (first page section) that can be edited and stored. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Checkout: Checkout tracking codes management feature. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Meta keywords and description generated if not defined in lottery translations. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Checkout: Heartbeat mechanism added to the checkout that extend user's session lifetime.

## Changed

- Reporting: Changed print header. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Reporting: Added download parameters for prize pickup static report. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Fixed

- Orders: Order receipt auto print wasn't showing every time. This patch tries to fix it. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager.

- Analytics: Chart on dashboard was showing values limited by time and therefore not taking into account lottery timezone. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Checkout: Test mode dialog was covered by background (for themes that are using background static image)

### [2.1.14] 2017-04-14

## Added

- Analytics: Lottery comparison feature Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Changed

- E-mail templates: Lottery translations items are saved along with e-mail template (e-mail subject). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.1.13] 2017-04-11

## Added

- Analytics: Segmentation added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Changed

- Checkout: Response messages complete list.

- Analytics: Minor changes to most analytics pages. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Fixed

- Checkout: IP blocking was failing when more than one region was defined.

- Checkout: Cookie lifetime change reverted.

### [2.1.12] 2017-03-28

## Added

- Checkout: Option to display "order status" page instead of regular "thank you" page. This can be turned on and off with modules' settings.

- Prizes: Prizes have now "Is Published" status. This will enable showing winning tickets on an "order status" page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Logo: Lottery Nexus logo updated.

## Fixed

- Activity log: Corrected list of request's parameters for multidimensional arrays. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.1.11] 2017-03-01

## Added

- Orders: List item sorting feature added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Orders: Custom data export tool. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Analytics: Added charts for payment type, origin, sale location and referer. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Analytics: Added analytics table on overview page and dedicated page for Agents. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

- Reporting: When searching for a sub-session(s) it lists just the matched items and not all sub-sessions that are contanined in the session. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- E-mails: Order receipt and official ticket confirmation can be turned on and off with module's settings. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- E-mail templates: Added mobile devices preview - device switcher. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Prizes: Prize description added to the prize assignment window. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.1.10] 2017-02-20

## Added

- Payments: Add new payment provider. Applies to account type: Admin.

## Fixed

- Orders: In some cases credit card details fields were submitted for orders with other payment type selected. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

### [2.1.9] 2017-02-08

## Added

- Reporting: Column description for Prizes static report added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Fixed

- Checkout: During a high traffic, when database was overloaded with queries, customer was charged but was then redirected back to the checkout with error message. This causes usually customers to place orders twice.

- Orders: Printing orders summary fixed for letter and thermal paper size. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, SuperViewer, Viewer.

### [2.1.8] 2017-01-20

## Added

- Orders: Date and time when the order placement has started is registered.

- Orders: Referrer URL and domain is registered for each session and order. It's shown on an order details page and for Web orders part of activity log is displayed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, SuperViewer.

### [2.1.7] 2017-01-16

## Added

- Orders: Added TOP-UP icon next to the order status badge on the list of orders and on a order's details page. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneAgent, PhoneManager, Support, SuperViewer, Viewer.

## Fixed

- Checkout: It was possible to place TOP-UP order even when the lottery was closed.

### [2.1.6] 2017-01-13

## Fixed

- Reporting: Fixed problems with printing multiple report pages. Applies to account type: Admin, SuperViewer.

- Reporting: Fixex link to deposit listing from sessions list. Applies to account type: Admin, SuperViewer.

### [2.1.5] 2016-12-28

## Added

- User account: Info page of all access role policies. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer.

- User account: New access role added: SuperViewer. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer, SuperViewer.

### [2.1.4] 2016-12-27

## Added

- Notification: "Dismiss all", "Mark all as read" and "Settings" buttons added to the notification pop-up window.

- Notification + Account: Notification user settings enabled.

## Changed

- Print/Export: Field list extended and the download speeded up slightly. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Notification: Action performer to all actions and number of processed orders added to notification message for ticket generation actions. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders: Add-on orders renamed to TOP-UPS

## Fixed

- Activity log: HTML escape in request's parameters list. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Orders: Orders summary print format issue fixed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

### [2.1.3] 2016-12-08

## Changed

- Orders: Order cancellation does not make a refund in Elavon by default. The payment transaction is deleted (info saved in order history). This option can be turned on in module\'s settings. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

## Fixed

- Printing, Control numbers: Control numbers assignment speeded up. Applies to account type: Admin.

### [2.1.2] 2016-12-06

## Changed

- Orders: "Order confirmation" renamed to "order receipt" and "customer summary" renamed to "official tickets". Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent.

- Orders list: Add-ons filter added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Print/Export: When there is no order or ticket to print, the print window won't pop up. Applies to account type: Admin.

- Phone script: Phone script management appearance and behaviour corrected. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PhoneManager.

## Fixed

- User account: Problems with login requirement, phone numbers and subdivision (province/state) alteration fixed.

- Order creation: 'Placed at' field to accept one-digit month and day. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneManager, Support.

- E-mail templates: Problems with sending preview e-mail fixed. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

### [2.1.1] 2016-11-29

## Added

- Users: User management enabled (user data alteration and lottery roles assignment). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Analytics: Add-on analytics page added. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer.

- Analytics: Filter added at the top of the page, that allows to limit data being aggregated. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer.

- Orders list: Clicking the comment badge, opens a popup with a list of comments made to the order. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Order details: Prize info is shown on an order details page if the it contains winning ticket(s). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

## Changed

- Order creation: 'Placed at' field on order creation form auto-completes after entering month and day. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent, HouseAgent, PhoneManager, Support.

- Order Import: Postal code are reformatted if they are missing space or dash (separator). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Analytics: Added charts for add-on orders, quantity and value of all ticket packs groups. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Viewer.

## Fixed

- User account: Problems with phone numbers and subdivision (province/state) alteration fixed.

### [2.1.0] 2016-11-25

## Added

- E-mails: Order confirmations and Ticket confirmations are sent by stand alone process, that handles messages in a queue. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- E-mails: E-mail confirmations have 3 states. Not sent, Sent and Sending. If it's actually sending, it's impossible to add a message to a queue again, but it will be available again once the message is sent. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Orders list + Emails: Row details are auto-updated when the e-mail is sent. No need to reload the page to see for which order the message was sent. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, Agent.

- Notification: Notification icon at the application's header right corner to let user know about important event in the system.

- Notification: Added a right sidebar, that lists recent system activity, currently running job, simple sales stats and a supervisor state (supervisor is a process that runs jobs, like sending e-mails). Applies to account type: Admin, Manager.

- Support: Submit a ticket form, available from within the "Support" tab sticked to the right window edged.

- Support: Help menu, with knowledge base, submit a ticket and changelog available at the window's footer.

## Changed

- E-mails: Messages sent out from the system are reduced in size in about 60%.

## Fixed

- Prizes: Submitting an empty prize give out search form causes error. Applies to account type: Admin, Manager, PrizeDistributor.